Change to Pandemic Operating Procedures

I am once again changing my operating procedures due to the ongoing pandemic and as colder weather comes here to Maine. I am still printing for mailing or in-person pickup as I have been throughout the pandemic. For now, I will no longer be doing the limited in-studio meetings and instead will only be meeting people masked and outside. I am, of course, available for telephone and Zoom consultations.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, and stay safe out there!

Finding Our Voices Fundraiser

All through October in Rockland, Maine, Finding Our Voices presents artwork by 45 artists and displayed at 50 businesses to raise money (via an art auction) and awareness for Finding Our Voices, a non-profit featuring the voices and stories of victims of domestic violence. Nickelson Editions proudly supports this organization in many ways, including by printing many of the pieces of artwork and the donation of some of my artwork for the fundraising auction.


"Our Maine" Zoom Artist Talk

Pale Fire, Canto One III

Pale Fire, Canto One III

I’m excited to participate in the Zoom-based artist talk for the “Our Maine” exhibition at Rockland’s Archipelago Gallery. Nickelson Edition clients Lisa Vietze and Olga Merrill will also be included in the talk. You can register for the free event here, and the talk will run from 2-3 pm on July 8th. Without in-person big events like openings on First Friday, this is a nice substitute! And, of course, the gallery is open to visitors and maintaining social distancing guidelines.

June 2020 Exhibition Updates

“Our Maine”, Archipelago Gallery, Rockland, Maine

“Our Maine”, Archipelago Gallery, Rockland, Maine

The pandemic has resulted in much reduced schedule of exhibitions across the world, but I wanted to highlight two exhibitions that are indeed going on here in Maine this summer.

Cove Street Arts in Portland, Maine, has a new exhibition up entitled “Architecture” and that will be up through August 15th. I printed the lovely photographs of David Clough on Hahnemuhle Museum Etching for this exhibition. Other included Nickelson Editions clients/friends include Sarah Szwajkos, Brian Vanden Brink, and Liv Kristin Robinson.

Another exhibition that opens tomorrow (June 24th) is “Our Maine” at the Archipelago Gallery in Rockland, Maine. I printed the work of four of the five photographers: Olga Merrill, Lisa Mossel Vietze, myself, and the late Terry Hire. Papers include Hahnemuhle Museum Etching and Photo Rag Metallic as well as Canson Rag Photographique 310. I look forward to seeing the work on the wall!

Pandemic Update -- Limited Opening of Studio

I’m making a change to my operations during the pandemic and am now allowing limited in-person visits. Please contact me for details, but the essentials are: everybody wearing a mask, time limit of one hour, and maintaining social distancing. I will also clean everything before and after per state of Maine guidelines.

All that being said, I believe it is still better to avoid these inside meetings as much as possible, and I still encourage phone calls/Zoom meetings for discussion or consulting, and pick ups or mailings of prints from my outside area.

Thank you, and please contact me if you have any questions!

Pandemic Update on Workshops

As many of you know, Maine Media Workshops + College has cancelled all on-campus activities through the end of August, which hits a few of my printing workshops. I’ve restructured my class to be taught online (where the students use their own equipment, wherever they are) and will be teaching this new version July 20th-24th. You can read the new course description and schedule here. Hope to see you there, albeit virtually!

My in-person consulting on printing is currently on hiatus, too, because of the pandemic, but I’ve started doing them via Zoom calls now, too. WIth screen sharing available it actually works surprisingly well. If you are interested, please contact me and we’ll figure things out.

Stay safe out there!

Financial Resources for Artists

I’m still temporarily shut-down here at Nickelson Editions, but I wanted to share a few resources geared towards artists that I’ve found through various means.

The Center for Maine Contemporary Art has done a great job compiling a list of resources for artists (geared towards Maine, but not exclusively). This includes many resources that provide emergency funds or other financial assistance to artists.

The Maine Arts Commission has launched The Maine Artist Relief Fund that will award grants of up to $500 to individual Maine artists how are being adversely impacted by the pandemic. The awards cycle is open through June 30th.

The Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA has been a good source of artist resources, too, particularly on Facebook.

The first US stimulus package includes much-needed support for arts organizations as well as expansion of unemployment benefits to independent contractors and the self-employed (the typical status for the working artist). Details on how to apply for this are beyond my knowledge, but I would start with organizations such as Americans for the Arts for info…though I suspect things will be pretty vague for a while as to how to take advantage of this.

Stay safe out there!

The Environmental Print Studio

I’ve become keenly interested in how to make my print studio more environmentally-friendly, and as I’ve dug deeper I have come to realize the complexity of the subject. What kind of paper you use and where it comes from, how you power your equipment, the size and nature of ink cartridges, the use of recycled materials, how many waste prints you have, and so on — all of these factor in to the sustainability and impact of inkjet printing.

I’ll be posting here as I explore the subject, so stay tuned!

Summer 2020 Workshop

My next printing workshop has been posted on Maine Media’s webpage. The weeklong workshop, entitled “The Craft and Art of the Fine Digital Print”, runs from July 19th-July 25th, 2020 (this is in addition to my spring workshop on May 18th-May 22nd, 2020). You can find out more and register at the link above, and please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Back in the Studio

I am done with my long journey out to the northern Rockies and am now back in Maine. I'm slowly catching up on things as I get back up to speed (losing power for two days didn't help!), so if you are still waiting on a response for me, let me know!

It will take a long time to go through all of my photographs, but it was a wonderful trip. 9000 miles of driving, nine national parks (5 in the U.S., 4 in Canada), about 15 snowstorms of various intensities, and approximately 5500 photographs.

Nickelson Editions Upcoming Time Away

I’ll be on a photography trip from September 20th through approximately October 11th. I’ll have limited communication ability during this time, but e-mail is likely the best way to reach me ( Please drop me a note and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible.